Investing in stocks is easy. The key is whether you are in a good mood. Just step by step every day. Don't panic. Rich people hold a money field and add positions. If you have no money, hold a stock market, and hold your shares.Be sure to remember not to operate in Man Cang. Take a position of 70% at most. If you have food in your hand, don't panic. Don't put your desire to the limit at any time and don't let it swell.When you want to clear the warehouse, it must be when you are afraid, or when the decline is large, or when the gains are high. When you miss Man Cang, it must be when you feel that a big opportunity is coming.
Investing in stocks is easy. The key is whether you are in a good mood. Just step by step every day. Don't panic. Rich people hold a money field and add positions. If you have no money, hold a stock market, and hold your shares.The 242nd issue of Wolong Weekend Solution, the 2nd issue of December, met with you again. Let's discuss our favorite gub!Being rational and calm is the most important thing, and don't be carried away by ups and downs. This stock market is always the same, that is, it does not produce additional wealth, but only the transfer and redistribution of wealth. Nothing else.
Wolong has been taking CITIC Securities, which everyone is not optimistic about, as an example to explain to everyone these days. If this is the ticket you've been holding. You buy 10 thousand shares and don't move. It's down a little bit, up a little bit. Add more positions when it goes down, and reduce positions when it goes up. The original bottom bin never moved. Do you think you will lose money after one year? But if you sell out when you go up, you dare not buy when you go down. When it goes up again, you chase it in again, and when it goes down, you run away again. In this way, it will be difficult for you to make a lot of money. Adjust it casually, and you will lose money. So you say this stock is not good. Always makes people lose money. But in the final analysis, you didn't sum it up seriously.Wolong weekend settlement [2024-12 ~ # 242-next week's trend judgment and individual stock analysis]The 242nd issue of Wolong Weekend Solution, the 2nd issue of December, met with you again. Let's discuss our favorite gub!